Dancing in the rain

In Christ alone my hope is found, He is my light, my strength, my song; this Cornerstone, this solid Ground, firm through the fiercest drought and storm. What heights of love, what depths of peace, when fears are stilled, when strivings cease! My Comforter, my All in All, here in the love of Christ I stand.

Five minute Friday: Notice


I teamed up this week with the Five Minute Friday Crowd: http://katemotaung.com/2014/11/20/five-minute-friday-notice/ The rules are follow the word prompt and write from your heart for 5 min, no edits, just straight from the heart.

Do I notice Him? Do I notice Him in the sunrise? Do I notice him in the breath of life? Do I notice him in my cancer? I was quick to notice him in my healing. I sang his praises on high… look what my Daddy did for me! But now, do I notice him now? As that question gives me pause to think, I look back and notice all the times I may have missed him. I notice him there, keeping the nausea at bay. I notice him bringing fits of giggles where there should have been tears. I notice him gather a community of support for me. I notice him in the warmth of a cat curled up on my lap. I notice him in my son standing strong. I notice him in the depths of myself, refusing to give up. I notice him ever so near, noticing me. He notices my pain, he notices my loneliness, he notices my disease and he pulls me into the embrace of his arms and he tells me he notices my strength and he notices my effort and he notices my triumph. What does he fail to notice? All that I feel I get wrong. That he doesn’t notice.

7 thoughts on “Five minute Friday: Notice

  1. Don’t you just love that you get a second chance? There is a time to look back and see what you couldn’t in the moment. I love that about God. We are in the moment but there is so much more. Really makes a good case for quiet times of reflection i.e. Sabbath rest. May you find rest this weekend.


  2. I want to cry. I feel so selfish sometimes. You have blessed me beyond compare. My pity party today is now negated. Thank you for a very important reminder of what my focus should be.


  3. Keep on noticing Dawn! These are the things that make you such a strong fighter for life!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. This is so raw and honest……and what a beautiful reminder for all of us of what He does NOT notice!!! Really needed to hear that. Thank you for sharing your heart even in its aching!!


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